Thursday, 14 December 2006

Scope Extension

OK, so I set up my blog with blogger beta whereas the scotgrid blog is still the old one. Bah. Looking at the help on the subject it's coming Real Soon Now (tm). In the meantime apart from learning more voodoo for GridPP file transfers the vexed problem of Ticketing Systems.

At the moment there's a pile of disjointed mail aliases for scotgrid, research group, and possibly faculty support. Grand plan is to find a tracking system that fulfils the following:

  • Easy to install and administer
  • Uses central signon system / x509 certificates
  • Several Queues
  • Q-Specific "Munger" access
  • User "self service" visibility
  • Prio / update
  • Reporting tools

Tuesday, 5 December 2006

Hello World!

Yep, it's that frost piste syndrome again. Apparently a .plan isn't consider Hip n Trendy enough these days. Us Ol' fogies are just not compatible with "leet 2.0"

Particulate measurements near bushfires

Back in the 2019 Tasmanian bushfires we were lucky enough to be the other side of the Huon River from the fireground,  however we had a LOT...