Tuesday, 12 July 2011

nanode built!

One successful evening of soldering, and lo, I have a working nanode. Started off nice n basic with the resistors, but overall a pretty simple pcb to assemble:

Plugged it in, and lo, blinky LED. Have since flashed with the EtherShield Drivers and its happily getting an IP address. now for some pachube / twitter / other integration...

Monday, 11 July 2011

Orange VoIP woes

Our livebox2 repeatedly used to lose the VoIP service (somewhat annoying as we don't have a 'physical' pots line, just ADSL signal on the copper pair)

however there's now a subtle hint on the config pages NOT to change the DNS servers from the automatic setting (we used to use opendns for content filtering)

So, anyone know what hard-coded voodoo sagem/orange were up to?

Particulate measurements near bushfires

Back in the 2019 Tasmanian bushfires we were lucky enough to be the other side of the Huon River from the fireground,  however we had a LOT...