Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Plotting Lustre MDS stats

At $dayjob we have several large filesystems - for example our /scratch system has 3.1 PB of space using over 1000 HDDs. Although each vendor offers their own dashboard for monitoring they're all a little bit crap and don't integrate with anything else.

Cue an afternoon setting up influxdb (trivial) and grafana (also trivial) on a spare VM and a simple python script run on the metadata servers:

[admin@snx11038n003 ~]$ cat push_mdt_stats.py
import urllib
import time

def grabbit(mds):
 post = ""
 with open(('/proc/fs/lustre/mdt/%s/md_stats' % mds), 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        k,v,null = line.split(None,2)
        if k == "snapshot_time":
            post += 'metadata,fs={3} {0}={1} {2}\n'.format(k,v,ts,mds)
 with open(('/proc/fs/lustre/mdd/%s/changelog_users' % mds), 'r') as f:
    tmp = f.read().split()
    # we can cheat here as they have the same format - 3rd item in list is current changelog count, and then
    # from the 6th item on we get changelog id / position to pull into a dict
    head = int(tmp[2])
    clog = dict(zip(tmp[5:][0::2], tmp[5:][1::2]))
    post += 'changelog,fs={2} head={0} {1}\n'.format(head,ts,mds)
    for cl,count in clog.items():
        post += 'changelog,fs={3} {0}={1} {2}\n'.format(cl,count,ts,mds)

 p = urllib.urlopen('http://influxbox:8086/write?db=lustre&precision=u',post)

while True:
    sys.exit("Whoa, that went a bit Pete Tong!")

And a couple of clicks in Grafana can soon knock up a dashboard:

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

PSU tinkering, Part 1

As previously blogged, I've got a couple of 12v 88.7A PSUs that I'm trying to control under arduino. Stage 1 complete - It powers up with a trivial bit of code

/* Arduino control for (ex) server PSU 
 * Andrew Elwell <andrew.elwell@gmail.com> August 2016
 * Released under BSD licence

 /* Controls / Pins based on data sheet available at 
  *  https://belfuse.com/resources/PowerSolutions/SFP1050/bcd20031_ab_sfp1050-12bg.pdf
  *  A6/B4/C4/D4         +3.3 standby (power to arduino)
  *  A3/B1/B3/C1/C3/D3   Return 
  *  B5(SDA) / C5(SCL)   I2C
  *  B6                  Bring low for PS ON
  *  C6                  AC OK (if high)
  *  D6                  PWR OK (if high)

#include <wire.h>

int ACOK  = 2;
int PSON  = 3;
int PWROK = 4;
int LED   = 13;

void setup() {
  Wire.begin();                // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
  pinMode(ACOK, INPUT);
  pinMode(PSON, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PWROK, INPUT);
  pinMode(LED,  INPUT);
  digitalWrite(PSON,HIGH) ;   // Stay off until ready

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(ACOK) == HIGH) {
    digitalWrite(PSON,LOW) ;
  if (digitalRead(PWROK) == HIGH) {
    digitalWrite(LED,HIGH) ;

The one gotcha that I needed to get it working was to also bring PS A0 low (I2C address) and suddenly green led and 12v out!

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

I've got the power

(It's getting, it's getting, it's getting kinda hectic)

So, another "I should really get round to that" project that's worked its way to the top of the desk is repurposing a skip-dived server PSU (or 4) to be more usable.

Exhibit A - One ex-sun 'SPASUNM-03G' PSU, which spits out a fairly chunky 12v at 86.7A
Since these were pulled from a bunch of servers, the output is a less than friendly set of three paired contacts for +12 and another set of three pairs or the ground. It won't start spitting out 12v when you plug a mains lead in as it needs the PS_ON connector bringing low. Power-one seem to gave been bought out by bel, and the datasheet is available here.

Rather than the (sometimes) crude way people have modified these and similar server PSUs over at RC Groups, I thought I'd hook up an arduino and be "smart"

So - Grand Plan (TM)
* Nice big illuminated push button for on/standby
* LCD display to show status (output / alarms / temp)
* No screaming 'fan-at-maximum' setting all the time

This shouldn't be that hard, right? Arduinos can do i2c and I have a bunch of 3.3v ones to hand, so I can drive this off the stby 3.3v (even that's at 3A on this thing)

TO THE SOLDERING IRON! ... to be continued

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Handheld animal RFID reader teardown

As some of you may know, we have a small herd of llamas and although each is easily recognisable legislation and the Llama Association of Australasia Inc. require that the animals be microchipped. As a geek, I'd also like to integrate routine monitoring of weight, so my idea is to use the embedded microchips (same as your pet FDX-B 'grain of rice' thing) to save the scale output into the relevant animal record (yup, another use of a Raspberry Pi in the steading)

Aliexpress provided the reader, and 5 small screws later (and another 2 for the PCB) has the innards exposed at https://www.flickr.com/photos/elwell/albums/72157683149501201

Too many buttons

 I have a standard ham licence (VK7HPC) and am currently poking at a Retevis RT95 (same as the Anytone AT-778UV). As I'd like to use it ...