I have a standard ham licence (VK7HPC) and am currently poking at a Retevis RT95 (same as the Anytone AT-778UV). As I'd like to use it for digital modes, Steve (KM9G) over at Temporarily Offline Ham Radio has a playlist where he's investigating the pinout to make a microcontroller APRS interface, however he's not yet mentioned how to memory jump or enter a direct VFO frequency. Sure CAT control would be nice, but this radio's under 200 AUD delivered, so that's unlikely to happen.
So, the manual hints at "keypad serial data" on pin8 so with a bodge together of 2 cat5 outlets, some wire and a logic analyser, lets see what we can find...
Force of habit means I used the T568A colours, so the from the pinout shown here you'll need to swap the orange/green pairs round.
Anyway: Up, Down, PTT all get pulled to ground when pressed as expected and there IS some serial data on pin8, now I need to sample and collect more...