I recently purchased a DHT22 (Also known as RHT03 on Sparkfun) from Proto-Pic temp and humidity sensor with the aim of using it as an outdoor sensor in the garden. Although there are several DHT22 libraries on github I couldn't get the nethoncho one (or the patched forks) to return anything other than checksum error.
However the combined dht11/22 one I found linked on arduino.cc seems to work just fine. Need to test with -ve temps next but an overnight plot on the bench seems reasonable
Despite many forums saying that it needs 5v I've managed to get it working OK with the 3.3v pin on my nanode, next step is to test on a jeenode and send the output via RF. Oh, and then get a solar panel to run the thing...
Too many buttons
I have a standard ham licence (VK7HPC) and am currently poking at a Retevis RT95 (same as the Anytone AT-778UV). As I'd like to use it ...

Those of you who follow my twitter stream will have noticed that I managed to 'lose' my home machine today. It was online and activ...
There seem to be several branded versions of this cheap 2 unit wide energy meter available online from the regular stores. I have a 'tom...
Many years ago we lived in the Old Manse in Waternish, Skye. If you look on the maps, you'll spot that unlike nearly all the other house...
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