Yay. I now have shiny broadband again thanks to <a href="http://www.k-net.fr/">k-net</a>. One difference between now and last time is that I also have an ipv6 prefix off them, so my home machines are accessible withoit needing port forwarding. Well, would be if I could get the RA working better on the router.
I have a linksys E3000, but that doesn't sipport ipv6 by default, so instead I have one of the TomatoUSB variants installed that does. I'd rather not use stateless config, but pre-assign IP addresses in advance so I can keep say kids machienes in a separate subnet. Overall - seems to work faiely well and the 'sam knows' box seems to have noticed too:
Particulate measurements near bushfires
Back in the 2019 Tasmanian bushfires we were lucky enough to be the other side of the Huon River from the fireground, however we had a LOT...
Those of you who follow my twitter stream will have noticed that I managed to 'lose' my home machine today. It was online and activ...
There seem to be several branded versions of this cheap 2 unit wide energy meter available online from the regular stores. I have a 'tom...
Many years ago we lived in the Old Manse in Waternish, Skye. If you look on the maps, you'll spot that unlike nearly all the other house...
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