Saturday, 9 February 2013

qlock something clone

Much as I like the design of the qlock two, I really can't ever justify the price of buying one. Although there are designs for clones on, I'm going to rework the design using addressable RGB strips rather than individual white LEDs - it means there's more work in the woodwork of the casing (to prevent bleeding to adjacent cells) but should provide for nicer coloring - being able to fade in the current time from the background colour (which will be hooked to the house MQTT feed for things like power / temperature etc) Oh, and it'll be NTP synced.

Not sure what I'll use as the main controller yet - possibly a R-Pi as its a bit more flexible than the standard arduino. Anyway, once I've worked out the pitch, it's time to learn vcarve down at the local hackerspace.

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