At home I have a Fine Offset (this one branded by Jaycar) weather station that publishes to via weewx (this is much simpler now I don't have to have the thing solar mounted in a field using a 3G dongle - at least the NBN is useful for some things) but I'd like to be able to use some of the measurements in home-assistant.
There isn't yet a direct plugin (spare time project anyone?) that I can see, but because I'm pushing the metrics locally to influxdb (have I mentioned I like drawing graphs of things?) for grafana, it's possible to use this in home-assistant via weewx-influx
Weewx config:
host = localhost
database = weather
unit_system = METRIC
and on the home-assistant server:
- platform: influxdb
- name: Outside Temp
database: weather
measurement: 'record'
field: 'outTemp_C'
group_function: last
where: 'time > now() - 5m'
unit_of_measurement: °C
value_template: '{{ value | round(1) }}'
and lo and behold, you should end up with something like this:
which when compared to our nearest BOM observation site up the road in Grove correlates nicely (Grove is in a valley, we're at the top of a hill)
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