Thursday, 30 April 2009


OK, so I work in IT. I *should* do regular backups. I know what happens when disks die. Finally (after aaaages of delaying) I set up my external USB HDD to work with Bacula. Not a moment to soon, 3 days in and I get asked do I have a copy of X file from the PC at home. clickity click, restore, find file, select restore to different machine, run. and lo...

Job: RestoreFiles.2009-04-30_14.27.48.19
Restore Client: shinybox-fd
Start time: 30-Apr-2009 14:27:50
End time: 30-Apr-2009 14:28:06
Files Expected: 1
Files Restored: 1
Bytes Restored: 42,212
Rate: 2.6 KB/s
FD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Restore OK

tada! scp'd and mailed. :-)

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

No. Just 'NO' OK!

I may be proved wrong on this, but why do a remake of *such* a classic, the Edge of Darkness. I mean, the late Bob Peck vs 'Mel Gibson ... a homicide detective for the Boston Police Department."

Ho Hum.

munin SNMP

Blogging this as the munin docs suck a bit -- lovely and technical but no HOWTOs

anyway I have an out of the box debian munin install on my epia box (hostname mythic) and I wanted to also plot the network traffic on my swisscom VDSL router (which is SNMPable)

Magic incantation to /etc/munin/munin.conf is:

use_node_name yes

use_node_name no

(where I have a decent /etc/hosts for localnet) and then do

munin-node-configure-snmp router.localnet | sh

Thursday, 2 April 2009

New title

Decided to rename my blog in honour of Globus-gatekeeper

it's a grid thing....

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

X marks the spot

Passed a google streetview car on the way home tonight - it was heading southbound on the A1 at ~15:28.
View Larger Map

Particulate measurements near bushfires

Back in the 2019 Tasmanian bushfires we were lucky enough to be the other side of the Huon River from the fireground,  however we had a LOT...