Thursday, 30 April 2009


OK, so I work in IT. I *should* do regular backups. I know what happens when disks die. Finally (after aaaages of delaying) I set up my external USB HDD to work with Bacula. Not a moment to soon, 3 days in and I get asked do I have a copy of X file from the PC at home. clickity click, restore, find file, select restore to different machine, run. and lo...

Job: RestoreFiles.2009-04-30_14.27.48.19
Restore Client: shinybox-fd
Start time: 30-Apr-2009 14:27:50
End time: 30-Apr-2009 14:28:06
Files Expected: 1
Files Restored: 1
Bytes Restored: 42,212
Rate: 2.6 KB/s
FD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Restore OK

tada! scp'd and mailed. :-)

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