Monday, 24 September 2012

Metering Musings

I've been intermittently trying to get our smart metering datafeed out to to a server for better logging, but I don't want to run a 300W PC to tell me my baseload in the house is 300+N W. There are several clamp meter / arduino designs thanks to the folks like OpenEnergyMonitor and Nanode, but things should be easier as there's a nice serial out already documented by ERDF (there's also the upcoming 'linky' interface but we're still on old-school)

How much does all this malarkey cost -- off the shelf there are USB opto interfaces, but they're about €50 each (erk) I originally purchased an arduino datalogger shield (€40 + an arduino) hoping to use it with a nanode, but I  didn't get ethernet sending working (even after the slight hardware mod) - possibly due to known issues with stash depletion

So - where do we go (cheaply) from here? a R-Pi gives me cheap hardware with more stable ethernet but I'd have to interface in the opto tty interface (gpio? usb?) as there's no onboard serial. Plan B is to use my bifferboard and use the console interface: small, yep. Low power, yep. Decent ethernet and OS (openwrt) - yes.

So, time to order some parts and get down to prototyping...

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Aaaand we're back

Yay. I now have shiny broadband again thanks to <a href="">k-net</a>. One difference between now and last time is that I also have an ipv6 prefix off them, so my home machines are accessible withoit needing port forwarding. Well, would be if I could get the RA working better on the router.

I have a linksys E3000, but that doesn't sipport ipv6 by default, so instead I have one of the TomatoUSB variants installed that does. I'd rather not use stateless config, but pre-assign IP addresses in advance so I can keep say kids machienes in a separate subnet. Overall - seems to work faiely well and the 'sam knows' box seems to have noticed too:

Word of mouth Skye History

Many years ago we lived in the Old Manse in Waternish, Skye. If you look on the maps, you'll spot that unlike nearly all the other house...