Saturday 2 April 2016

Traffic Light status IoT device

Following on from an all-too-regular "Is the lasercutter working?" mail thread at our local hackerspace, I've decided to come up with a nice simple IoT 'traffic light' device.

Plan is to use KISS principles and have 3 big pushbuttons (Red, Amber, Green) that light up (and stay lit) so that the next person knows if machine needs maintenance/ misbehaving slightly / all good.

Using something like an ESP8266 module (hello Wemos D1), this could trivially publish the status to a broker, and then be acted on elsewhere - updating status on website etc

Next up, finding a local supplier of parts to start a prototype at the next Arduino-U night.

Feeling Pumped!

Having just had a day without power, and then going round the site to check everything came back online correctly (including services such a...